Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cat in China

Different with dog cat normally have a great attention to human without any special treatment to this animals. With her smooth furry this animal always tries close to human by rubbing her furry into people feet. Although these animals also have diseases that can be infected to human if don’t in a good care.

In china more people become interest to this animals because of other factors. Cat owner said that he doesn't mind of his new wings — and he feel happy for giving an attention to the cat because the cat seem also know of his loving.

A special cat being intense in China of currently, especially a cat with a smooth fur. The cat will look completely beauty after they reach of one year old. Some researcher said that the cat will change because of hormonal effect especially when the cat become pregnant.

He back on August 2008, this reporter said from tomcats in China's Sichuan province have developed wing-like growths on their backs.

A veterinary report that the cat reduce a physical properties genetically. Even this is not dangerous to its live, life quality and safety. But genetic defect will bring to their child and will be seen for the next caty.

Look for other kinf of cat that may interesting:

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